Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is life? I always wonder to myself. For a moment i thought it's about friends but in this society, this kind of mindset should really be changed. Even best friends can betray you for his or her personal gains. Is that life? To me it's a definite YES for friendships! I don't trust friendship totally unless he or she really can communicate with me and know me REALLY INSIDE OUT! Some say they know me inside out within months and THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT! You don't even know what is my lifestyle and you wanna say you know me FULLY INSIDE OUT? I can tell you straight in your face, THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT IF YOU ASK ME! Nobody can understand me fully and will never understand me FULLY unless I want you to. YOU CANNOT COMTROL MY LIFESTYLE NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE! YOU HAVE ABSOLUTE NO RIGHTS TO DO THAT!

To me, the people I cannot accept as friends are:

1. Those who doesn't even try thinking out of the box
2. Insists on their own opinions
3. Being fussy and upset over the slightest things
4.Keep asking questions to the very PRECISE
6. Restricting my TOTAL freedom
7. Having fantasies for EVERYTHING where it is EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC in the 21st century
8. Trying to control every things in every part of my life
9. Trying to get back at that person, at any costs, who has done him/her wrong and thinks that he/she has done nothing wrong at all

If whoever cannot accept this, I can only tell you that's too bad then. It's just me...

Saturday, October 31, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I had the worst day ever!! Stupid labs going on for bloody 6 HOURS WITH ONLY AN HOUR BREAK IN BETWEEN! Making my life utterly miserable :( Now I am here in EIR(Effective Internet Research) class for another 2 WHOLE HOURS!!! How fustrating can it be??

Anyway going to celebrate my father's birthday tonight as his birthday falls on today, 29/10. This is the one and only thing that can comfort me for getting stuck in school with all the lectures and labs for the whole of 10 hours...

Today is just not my day...

Thursday, October 29, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I shall not blog too much today. Having fun over at CSAS(Communication Skills for Applied Science) where we have learnt on basic working etiquette. The teacher instructed us to perform a shot skit in front of the whole class to demonstrate each of the following senarios on how we should greet people differently and professionally. But the lectures today are boring too. Hope that I can have fun for tomorrow's lab. :D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I thought BMic lecture is already boring enough for me but the tutorial IS EVEN MORE BORING!!! I seriously had the WORST TUTORIAL EVER FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER 1.2!!! That freaking tutor, who's a doctor some more, gave such a tutorial that almost made us felt like dozing off... I really wonder how she managed to become a teacher of Temasek Polytechnic??? But when i thought about it, I know why... Cause doctors ARE SUPPOSED TO BE EXTREMELY BORING IN THE VERY FIRST PLACE!!! :P

Anyway I had a good time over at music class where we had to perform a short performance in front of the whole class on creating rhythm. We also had to rewrite the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in a primitive form, in layman's term is cave man form. The tutor instructed us to imagine ourselves back in the ancient times where music was not even known to the world yet. So my classmates and I had to brainstorm out the whole song, like what a composer would do in the ancient times. It tooks us the bloody 10 minutes just to compose a song out!! Can you imagine that?? Then we had to show our "masterpiece" to the whole class and apparently the class really had a good laugh by what we've done.

After the class, the tutor asked me what grade I had attained for my piano. I replied grade 8 and she wondered if I were to comtinue my piano further for diploma, which I said yes. So she asked me where am I learning my piano and I replied Yicha Music Studio. Then all of a sudden she said that she's also from my piano school before. So I was like: Oh my gosh! How small the world actually is? Well, I hope that the next lesson can be for interesting instead of keep telling us to perform in front of the whole class... :P

Tuesday, October 27, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Monday, October 26, 2009

Went to the movies with my friends at Cineplex Orchard last friday. We watched Halloween 2 and apparently my friends were covering themselves with something throughout wherever the scary scenes came out and I just sit there and stared at the horror scenes blankly... I really had a very good laugh as their facial expressions are DAMN FUNNY!!! When the movie was over, we went out and they said, " Don't ever call me to watch horror movies ever again!!! It's DAMN SCARY!!!"

Today I really had a tiring day in school. I was nearly dozing off the whole way through BMic lecture in school whereby the lecturer is going through the lecture very slowly, like a tortoise talking!! Luckily there's BNF(Basic Nutrition Food) tutorial where the lesson is really fun by completing a worksheet within 30 mins.. Haha.. Got timing sia!! And today's cafeteria, or food court rather, is FULLY PACKED UNTIL YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND SEATS FOR THE NEXT HALF AN HOUR!!! I mean WTF?? We're rushing for our lectures and the whole food court is filled with people?? And the worst thing is we met this middle aged woman who uses coins and a packet of tissues to chop a table to indicate that's her "seat". We thought it was okay for us to occupy the table but apparently not... Then maryann made a comment, she heard it and even scolded her for giving such comments... What the hell is on that woman's mind?? How can you actually use a packet of tissues to chop the table where the SINGAPORE LAW DOESN'T EVEN INCLUDE SUCH A RULE WHEREBY YOU CAN USE A PACKET OF TISSUES TO CHOP THE TABLE AND SAY IT'S YOUR TABLE??? In the end, we were reduced to take aways and sat at the study bench at level 1 of IT school... How ironic is that where we used to sit inside the food court every single day?? It's just not our day...

Monday, October 26, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Today is just not my day. My toe actually got hit by the bottle of finely chopped garlic which fell from right at the top of the refrigerator!!! My toe felt very numb at the very first few minutes but after that, the excruciating pain comes... A big blood clot is coagulating inside my toenail and it's spreading like a pandemic, bit by bit. I cannot imagine how i am going to spend my time with that blood clot that is to be there for the bloody few days to a week!!! And now it's affecting my whole foot where I cannot walk properly with that pain inside my toe!! How unlucky can I get??? It's just not my day...

Saturday, October 24, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

Today is my very first day writing in this blog. I don't know why the hell am i creating a blog right now but i think it's because of the influence that i've got over at my EIR(Effective Internet Research) class on thursday. I first thought to myself: why the hell do people create blogs in the very first place? Some say it's fun whereas the others say we can write personal things inside, like an online diary. Maybe i got no personal stuff like my friends do, but i will try to write as many things as possible so as "not to waste my time spent on this bloody blog" :P... Well that's all for today... haiz... returning to school on monday :(

Saturday, October 24, 2009; Finding Leisures Back From Hectic Life.Y

I first saw the world on 4th February. Playing piano is equivalent to my life!

1. Classical Pieces
2. English Oldies
3. Chinese Songs
4. Korean Songs
5. Relaxing Music

KINGONE 王传一!!! ^^

1. KINGONE 王传一!!!
2. 张子健
3. Mike 贺军翔
4. Ethan 阮经天
5. Matthew 明道
6. Alan 罗志祥
7. Jay 周杰伦
8. 胡歌
9. Joe Jonas
10. Zac Efron
11. Robert Pattinson
12. Daniel Radcliffe
13. Christian Bale
14. Hugh Jackman
15. Patrick Dempsey
16. Jared Padelecki
17. Christopher Gorham

1. 换换爱
2. 神探狄仁杰
3. 命中注定我愛你
4. 王子变青蛙
5. 爱情魔发师
6. 公主小妹
7. 转角遇到爱
8. Supernatural
9. Harper's Island
10. Ghost's Whisperer
11. 太王四神记
12. 我叫金三顺
13. 一枝梅
14. 十九岁的纯情

1. Stares
2. Being Provoked
3. Being disturbed when doing something
4. Despise people who has the mentality of letting someone to do all the things by themselves for the very first time and not helping out at all!!!


1. Playing The Piano
2. Badminton
3. Swimming
4. Playing billiard
5. Travelling Around To Western countries
6. Singing
7. Listeningn to Classical Pieces, English Oldies, Chinese Songs & Koreans Songs!!!
9. Reading
10. Shopping

Songs for Leisure Time

Music Playlist at


Forgotten Leisure


Leisure Links


Forgotten Leisures

  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009

  • Credits

    brushes Miss M|VBRUSH|moargh